Organizers can allow their Members to manage new or existing content on their Space by managing their Capabilities, which can be applied to a single post, all posts of a single type, or the entire Space.
Assigning Capabilities
There are three places where a Capability can be assigned.
Accessibility helps to determine the default Capability for Content.
This is the default level, allowing everyone (Visitors and Members) to see the Content.
Members with the contributor Role can create new Events, while Members with the admin Role can manage all posts.
Only Members are able to see the post. An explicit or inherited admin Role must be must be granted to enable editing, which can be assigned on the Module Settings Dashboard.
Only Members with an explicitly assigned or inherited Role can interact with posts within this module.

Roles and Permissions
Roles and Permissions allow Organizers to assign Capabilities to their Members and are split into the following levels:
Role | |
A Role is assign to all content of a type. | |
Reader |
Contributor |
Administrator |
Permission | |
A Permission is assigned to a specific piece of content. | |
Reader |
Contributor |
Administrator |
Permissions are assigned to a specific piece of Content and can be managed using the Permissions tab:
Roles are Capabilities that are assigned to all posts of a certain type and can be managed using the settings toolbar button:
Members and Organizers
By default, every Member is capable of being assigned specific Capabilities to gain access to various administrative functions of a Space. To grant a Member unlimited access to everything in a Space, they should be marked as an Organizer, which you can do from the Member Dashboard:
Calculating Capability
Whenever a Member attempts to complete an action on Content within a Space, the Platform calculates their Capability; which determines whether they are allowed to complete the action.
The Member cannot complete any action on the Content.
The Member can view the Content but cannot modify it.
The Member can view and modify the Content.
The Member can view and modify the Content and can also change the Capabilities of other Members.
If the Member has been marked as an Organizer, they will automatically be able to complete any action on the Space.
If they are a Member, move on to the next step.
Roles and Permissions
Along with assigning a Role or Permission directly to a Member, it can also be assigned to a Membership, Tag, or Taxon. When determining whether a Member has a Capability, the Platform will take into account the Member's current Membership along with any associated Tags and Taxons.
If any Roles or Permissions are found, the highest level will be the Member's Capability. If none are found, move on to the next step.
If a Member has no explicit or inherited Roles or Permissions, the Accessibility will determine whether a Post should be visible.
Roles and Permissions are always associated with a Principal, which is an individual or group of individuals associated with your Space:
- Member
- Include an individual Member on your Space.
- Membership
- Include all Members with an active Enrollment in the selected Membership.
Include all Members associated with a specific Member Tag.
- Taxon
- Include all Members associated with a specific Taxon.