Each Content Type is available in a few different areas on your Space:

  1. Dashboard
    Used to create and manage Content by your Members who explicitly have access.
  2. Index
    Used to see all items of a particular Content Type.
  3. Display
    Used to see a particular piece of Content.

Each area has a different purpose with subtle difference across your Content Types.

Your Dashboard is used to manage posts on your Space.  Each Content Type is associated with a dashboard page that can be found using the plural form of the Content Type's name, for instance:


If you are an Organizer of your Space, you will have full control over all of your Content.  You can also grant any of your Members a Contributor/Administrator Permission to manage a single piece of Content or a Contributor/Administrator Role to manage all of the items within a Content Type (for more information see Capabilities).  Note that capabilities on your Dashboard are not affected by the Reader capability or by your chosen Accessibility level since Dashboards can only be seen by your Members whom explicitly have access to edit your Content.

Most Content Types types are also associated with an Index page, which shows all Content within a particular type.  To manage who can have access, you should first set your Accessibility, which will determine whether everyone can see all of your content by default (Public Accessibility), or whether you want to limit access your Members (Private Accessibility) or only specific Members (Restricted Accessibility).

If you do set the Accessibility of a Content Type to Restricted, you can grant certain Members access by granting them a Reader Permission on a specific piece of Content or a Reader Role on all items within a Content Type.

Content Indexes are found using the plural form of the Content Type immediately following your base URL, for instance:


As you can see, there is not an index page for Forms, Memberships, or Invoices.  Forms and Invoices must be navigated directly to via their Display Pages.  Information on Memberships can be seen in the Registration Page and on the Account Dashboard of existing Members.

Most Content Types are also associated with a Display Page, which shows a single piece of Content (e.g. a single Event or a single Article).  This uses the singular version of the content type along with its ID, for instance:


Each ID is unique across the entire Member.buzz Platform.  These pages are where your general Members go to interact with your Content.  For instance, this is where they go to submit a Form, pay an Invoice, read an Article, or purchase an Event Ticket.  There are no Display Pages for Memberships.

Managing Capabilities is the same for Display Pages as it is for Index Pages - you can make them available to the public, your Members, or only specific Members.

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